The people in Yogyakarta are very familiar with a big and quite legendary name, namely Senapati. In the Babad Tanah Jawi, it is stated that unlike his predecessors, for example Trenggono, who used the nickname Sultan, Senapati was only known as Panembahan. However, a Dutch scholar who lived at the time of the great poet Ronggowarsito, Winter, stated that whatever his nickname was Panembahan, his power was the same as that of the great king. And indeed, Senapati was the founder of the Mataram Kingdom.
As the eldest son of Sultan Adiwijaya, Senapati is described by the people of Yogyakarta as having a handsome face, as is often seen in traditional performing arts. ketoprak. Apart from that, he is also known to have a hard-hearted character. While ruling Mataram, Senapati almost never stopped fighting, his aim was to conquer the entire island of Java and force the regents to recognize his authority. From this note, the nickname Panembahan is not lower than Sultan, because the term Panembahan means a place where people come to offer their prayers.
So a story emerged that one of the sons of Panembahan Senapati was called Raden Ronggo. He was known as a powerful son because he had a number of spells. He is also known as a young man who likes to practice fighting skills, but never uses weapons. As for the reason, a number of weapons that were said to be magical had entered his body. For example, he can smash a coconut on his head or with one pull, without any effort, Ronggo can uproot a large tree trunk.
Although Senapati was in some ways proud of his son's supernatural powers, behind that, there was also anxiety. This anxiety stems from Raden Ronggo's carelessness in using his supernatural powers. Various stories can be unearthed about Raden Ronggo, for example there is an allegation that the spirit of Arya Jipang, who is easily angry and at the same time, penetrated into him. This assumption is often accepted by the public because the stories about Ronggo show similar behavior to Arya Jipang.
One day Senapati called Raden Ronggo to massage his body because Panembahan felt tired. When Raden Ronggo was carrying out the order, Senapati said that he actually didn't like it if Raden Ronggo showed his supernatural powers. Senapati said that magic is not to be shown off, but must be guarded so that it is not misused. Meanwhile, Raden Ronggo looked down while smiling and at the same time listened to the words in an angry tone. The father showed several examples of Ronggo's less than praiseworthy actions, for example when a messenger from Banten was beaten to a pulp by his son. Apart from that, when Ronggo, several courtiers and soldiers hunted the Mentaok forest, he also showed off his prowess by catching a tiger alone, without weapons. Senapati further said that such actions could endanger Ronggo himself in the future. He will always feel the most powerful and ultimately become arrogant, not alert. Even though in this world there is no one who is the most powerful. Like a mountain, the highest peak is not the highest. Clearly, in this world everything is relative, the only absolute being is the Almighty Creator himself.
In a soft, low voice full of authority, Senapati then said to Ronggo, if it was true that he was truly powerful, would he be able to break his father's index finger. Senapati Oun raised his index finger. With lightning speed, Ronggo grabbed his father's index finger and tried with all his might to break it, but in vain. Ronggo felt very sad, and he bowed deeper and worshiped. He begged for forgiveness.
Seeing his son like that, Senapati just smiled. On that day, he was not yet sure whether the request for forgiveness was said sincerely, therefore, with a slightly louder voice and a commanding tone, Ronggo was asked to go to a quiet place to reflect on what his father had said. However, Ronggo did not immediately answer; he looked down and remained silent. Not only that, Ronggo even grabbed his father's big toe. Senapati began to feel something strange in his legs, a kind of heat that was getting higher and higher so he waved his legs. Ronggo bounced so far outside the pendapa. With an angry face, Senapati stepped into the inner room. The lying Ronggo grinned in pain. As he slowly got up, Ronggo began to admit that what his father had said was true; there are still higher mountain peaks.
For the first time in a long time his heart was sad. It's sad that his father is really angry with him. Ronggo didn't even understand that his father, who had always pampered him, could actually be strict. That's why Ronggo intends to carry out his father's orders, go into nyepi, and reflect on what the true purpose of human life is. Without thinking any further, his feet headed north, to Pati, where Duke Wasis Jayakusuma lived. In this duchy, Ronggo expressed his sorrow to his uncle, Adipati, who then asked him to calm his heart while looking for a place to retire.
However, perhaps because of his youth, one night, Ronggo couldn't squint his eyes. His arrogance as a powerful young man stirred again. He wanted to show off his supernatural powers in front of the people of Pati. Therefore, early in the morning after dawn, Ronggo met a duchy soldier. He was told whether there were people around the district who were respected for their supernatural powers. While waiting for the soldier's answer, Ronggo asked for the spear the soldier was carrying. After the handle was broken, the tip was stuck into the leg. Surprisingly, it wasn't Ronggo's arm that was injured, but the tip of his spear became blunt. In fact, he immediately squeezed the tip of the spear until it melted, then threw it away.
Seeing this terrible scene, the soldier trembled. He then announced that this well-respected person was now meditating. Ronggo asked to be immediately taken to the place where the ascetic was meditating. When he arrived at the hermit's place, Ronggo saw how solemnly the ascetic bowed under a shady tree. His body was emaciated, but if one looked at the ascetic from a certain distance, it would appear that the ascetic was actually radiant. Ronggo was jealous of the ascetic. He thought that if an emaciated ascetic had a radiant body, why was he who was strong, young, handsome, powerful, respected by many people, and the son of a very famous man, not given such grace. So, with a very arrogant attitude, Ronggo held the ascetic's head and asked what his name was, where he came from, and why he was meditating. The hermit did not answer. After the question was repeated several times and the ascetic remained speechless, Ronggo became angry. With full force, he hit the ascetic on the head, and he immediately fell down. A strong light suddenly radiated from the body of the lying ascetic. Strangely, the ascetic actually smiled, then said that he was grateful to Ronggo for being sent away from this world, but regretted Ronggo's arrogant ways and attitude. Therefore, in the future Ronggo will receive appropriate punishment, especially as a result of his continuous abuse of his supernatural powers. Ronggo was stunned, but then laughed out loud. A few seconds later, the ascetic's body disappeared. At the same time as the ascetic's body disappeared, a loud sound was heard, the essence of which was that Ronggo was stunned and even trembled. However, once again he laughed out loud, ridiculing the threat of the strange voice.
The soldier accompanying Ronggo was very frightened when he saw this scene, then ran to report to the Duke who was eating breakfast. The Duke was stunned; The boiled egg he was chewing felt like he was struggling to swallow. Then he ordered Ronggo to be summoned to appear. That morning, sitting cross-legged with his head down, Ronggo listened to how the Duke was angry with him. That same day, Rongo was asked to return to Mataram to face his father and report everything he had done. He must be responsible.
Arriving in Mataram, Ronggo was greeted with a smile by his father. Before Rongo explained the incident that happened the day before, Senapati had commented that Ronggo should be careful. Ronggo was surprised by his father's ability to suppress all the events he had done without anyone telling him. For the second time, his father's previous words came back to him; There are still higher mountain peaks, so there is no point in being arrogant. So in a commanding tone, full of authority, Ronggo was asked to study with Ki Juru Mertani. Ronggo was stunned, looked at his father's angry face, then looked down again. Ronggo said that he was not willing. Senapati was stunned for a moment, then smiled sarcastically and said that Ronggo's pride was still held tightly in his heart.
Getting up from his seat, walking slowly, Senapati muttered softly, but Ronggo heard it. He said, what's the point of having powerful people in the world if in the end it only causes disaster for others. As soon as Senapati stopped muttering, a soldier entered who announced in a breathless tone that in the square there was a large dragon. Senapati responded calmly, but Ronggo suddenly turned pale, and his hands trembled slightly.
Without words, Senapati accused Ronggo and at the same time motioned for the son who felt the most powerful to face the dragon. With a high attitude of obedience. Ronggo offered his prayers, stood up and jumped out. Arriving outside the pavilion, Ronggo still managed to look back, looking at his father once again. His father welcomed his son's gaze which was both very proud and very annoying. Can the father's gaze also be considered a greeting during the walk?
In the square, a fight between the dragon and Ronggo occurs. However, with one attack, the big dragon managed to wrap itself around Ronggo's body. All his supernatural powers were mobilized to untie the knot, but the time had come for the hermit's curse to be fulfilled. Ronggo went limp, slumped, then breathed his last breath. At the same time, the dragon disappeared instantly.