19 Desember 2024 4:23 pm


In the northern city of Yogyakarta, not far from the famous Affandi fine arts museum, there is a hamlet known as Pringgodani. In this village, until around 1967, there was a large stone. This stone was then destroyed little by little with an iron hammer because it felt disturbing, along with the development of development in the area.

According to several geologists, this type of large rock is the same type of rock that is found along most of the Gaja Wong River, which flows alongside the Affandi fine arts museum. The large stone is also the same as those that can be seen along the Krasak River, around the border between Yogyakarta and Magelang. From these clues, it is estimated that the large rock came from the stomach of Mount Merapi, which erupted last century.

However, some residents living in Pringgodani hamlet, especially the elderly, have a different view. According to them, the large stone with the sharp-looking top was originally the badhong belonging to Gatutkaca, a figure from the world of wayang, a knight, the son of Bima, who was known to be very skilled at fighting, powerful, and had the ability to fly at speeds that could reach 10,000 kilometers per second. As often told by Ki Dhalang. Gatutkaca lived in the Pringgodani Kingdom. Therefore, if the hamlet is called Pringgodani, local residents, especially the older ones, like to imagine that the area is under the rule of Prabu Anom (young king) Gatutkaca.

However, what is meant by the badhong? If we look at puppet characters, whether they appear in the form of puppets or puppets, we will see a number of characters wearing some kind of wings on their backs. That is what is called badhong. However, badhong is not a representation of wings; the thing actually depicts a touch or some sort of crown of light. In other words, if there is a figure depicted wearing a badhong, that figure is imagined to have extraordinary strength radiating out. Because Gatutkaca is one of the people who has extraordinary strength, he wears a badhong as well.

Once upon a time it was said by a number of elderly residents in Pringgodani hamlet that one day there was an upheaval in the kingdom. One of Gatutkaca's uncles, Brojodento, suddenly had a strange thought. He felt that he had the right to the throne of Pringgodani. This kind of idea arose because basically when Gatutkaca was appointed king, he was still too young. Apart from that, as the eldest son of King Arimbo, Brojodento felt entitled to the throne after his father died. In other words, Brojodento could not accept his father's decision when he gave the throne to Arimbi, Brojodento's younger brother, who then married Bima and gave birth to Gatutkaca.

His turbulent thoughts finally pushed him to refuse to recognize Gatutkaca, his nephew, as king of Pringgodani. As a consequence of his decision, he refused to go to the Pringgodani Kingdom and carry out the duties assigned to him as befits the retainers of the Pringgodani Kingdom. Not only that, Brojodento also declared war with Gatutkaca. He sent a letter via one of the messengers confirming that if within one week after receiving the letter Gatutkaca did not want to hand over the crown and throne to him then Pringgodani's work would be attacked.

Badhong Katutkaca
Badhong Katutkaca

Reading the letter, Gatutkaca became sad; so is Arimbi, his mother because if Gatutkaca serves Brojodento's challenge, it means Gatutkaca will face his own uncle. Physically, Gatutkaca is not afraid because the gods have given him a number of special clothes that have certain powers. The clothes were in the form of, first, a vest called Antakusuma, which made it look like wearing a bulletproof vest. Second, a head covering named Basunanda, a kind of helmet that has the power to withstand heavy rain, lightning, and the scorching heat of the sun. Third, a pair of clogs named Madu Kacreman. When the clog is applied, Gatutkaca will be able to destroy a mountain with a single kick. With this kind of magic, it was very easy for him to defeat Brojodento, his uncle. But the question is not that. He felt it was not appropriate to fight against Brojodento because for Gatutkaca, Brojodento was considered like his own parents. In such a state of anxiety, Arimbi, his mother, finally sent his younger brother, Brojomusti and Brojolamatan to meet Brojodento and remind him that the attitude he had chosen was wrong, so the two messengers left.

On the way to carry out this task, Brojomusti and Brojolamatan encountered troops under the leadership of Brojodento who were about to attack Pringgodani. Brojomusti and Brojolamatan tried to remind their brother that what he did could be called treason because it was against the legitimate government. Brojodento answered that Brojomusti and Brojolmatan could be said to be sycophantic knights because they did not have a firm stance. Brojodento added that Arimbi, his younger brother, as well as Gatutkaca, his nephew, were like robbers of the crown and throne which should have fallen into Brojodento's hands. If Brojomusti and Brojolamatan, in such circumstances, still side with Gatutkaca and Arimbi and are even hostile to Brojodento, then the two brothers can be said to have become blinded by position, rank and degree at the expense of the truth.

The war of words between them was prolonged and finally ended in a fight. In that fight, even though Brojodento had to fight Brojomusti and Brojolamatan, he was still able to win the battle. Not only because he has more experience in fighting, but mainly because Brojodento is older and therefore more authoritative.

In an increasingly unbalanced battle, Brojomusti finally decided to flee, as did Brojolamtan, and reported to Raja Muda Gatutkaca.

At Sitihinggil, the front of the Pringodani palace, the arrival of Brojomusti and Brojolamatan was welcomed by Gatutkaca himself with great emotion. To Gatutkaca, Brojomusti said that Brojodento was too strong to fight. Therefore, Brojomusti decided to enter Gatutkaca's left palm and Brojolamatan penetrate Gatutkaca's right thigh. They thought that maybe that way, Brojomusti and Brojolamatan could be more confident in dedicating themselves to the country. And in that way, who knows, Brojodento could be defeated, that's how the two uncles finally got into Gatutkaca's left palm and right thigh.

Badhong Katutkaca
Badhong Katutkaca

In a short time, troops arrived under the leadership of Brojodento. They immediately stormed the square while shouting very impolite things. Gatutkaca started to feel hot. However, his mother calmed him down so that Gatutkaca wouldn't catch fire easily. His mother, Arimbi, said that when facing Brojodento, Gatutkaca should avoid direct contact. As for the reason, Brojodento has a supernatural power called a Million Fires. In a state of anger, this supernatural power is called upon to make his body like a blazing fire.

Remembering his mother's advice, Gatutkaca set out to face his own uncle. Every time Brojodento approached, Gatutkaca dodged. To divert Brojodento's attention to Gatutkaca, Gatutkaca immediately took off his hood and threw it on the ground. Badhong, which is actually the force of the force, turned into the second Gatutkaca. Brojodento is confused to choose, which is the real Gatutkaca. In that chaotic situation, Gatutkaca asked for the help of Brojomusti and Brojolamatan who had entered the left palm and right thigh. In an instant, the two brothers who had transformed into the superhuman strength shot out with a full blast, and directly hit Brojodento. Brojodento fell to his face, panting. Before he breathed his last, he asked Gatutkaca if he was allowed, he also wanted to unite in Gatutkaca's body with his two other brothers. Gatutkaca willingly allowed his uncle to enter his body. So the unrest in Pringgodani ended with the victory of Gatutkaca, the legitimate ruler. The badhong that was thrown on the ground of Gatutkaca then turned into a big stone.

According to one source, this large stone was once considered very sacred during the era of the physical revolution. This large rock with a sharp top that resembles a badhong, during the era of the Republican guerrillas fighting the Dutch, was often used to hide for our troops. It is said that the Dutch people could not see the number of student soldiers who were lying around behind the large rock.

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